Jill Dahne's night Mantra
Repeat after me As I go to sleep tonight I am letting go storage that doesn't serve me any more As I have grown to be more of a wiser & stronger person I am releasing anything that is still status quo I will move into tomorrow with no expectations that one will change Least I know I have tried to sparkle some light to open there minds to do so I have the power inside to succeed and I will I am a Beautiful Soul I am Love Most important I love me
Jill Dahne's Morning Mantra
As I wake up this morning I see only beauty I am Beautiful inside and out I am letting go any negative happening's that were in my life before and replacing them with only positive new beginnings I am a beam of light that can change every obstacle that heads my way I have the power to forgive and most of all releasing the past I am love I am strength and most important I love me Amen xoxox Jill Dahne
" Love is Love you can't buy it It just comes Natural " Jill Dahne