AQUARIUS - 1/21 - 2 /19 A `grief` period of emotional instability compels you to seek advice. Major purchases for the home or new additions to your wardrobe in the second or third day of the week will fulfill you.Reducing your weight will help you improve your self image. Gains made based on your common sense is likely.so keep fantasizing now so your succeed Travel can help you a great deal Socially a hectic phase is foreseen. Don`t neglect family members this month, be accommodating. Money that you thought you lost will suddenly appear.
PISCES - 2/20 - 3/20 Social relationships friendships and supportive alliances are strengthened now. Your energy and your confidence are high and you can accomplish much in a harmonious flowing manner right now. Communication along personal lines such as corresponding with a friend or even telephoning a relative are favored, so if you had disagreement it will dissipate. Memories thoughts of the past or even fragments of dreams come into your mind. Your vitality and your personal impact on others is higher now and your likely to draw attention to yourself without trying.
ARIES - 3/21/-4/20 Career is set for a boost and things should be moving quite well here. At the moment. it can be that you are taking on more responsibility that may be rustling the feathers of those close to you. You can receive support from friends and loved ones that will bolster your confidence level. You seem to be on top of everyone`s party list at the moment. generally it is a favorable time for you .
TAURUS - 3/21-5/21 You could find yourself in a psychological deadlock when you so want to prove yourself and give it all you got, but other obstacles in your past prevent you from moving ahead . You will succeed if you are patient so don`t take it out on your loved ones if you do feel frustrated. you`re determined to make a success of a challenge you have just taken on , but you are trying too hard. Let things flow naturally.
GEMINI - 5/22-6/21 You will get involved in something new this month that will tap your creativity. Muster your courage, make the necessary changes. Something good can still come out of a bad situation. assistance form a wise and healthy person. a attend to your spiritual needs. You`re worried about a specific concern whose outcome you felt will be bad. Lighten up, you are scaring yourself too much. Your fears may unfounded after all.
CANCER 6/22 - 7/22 You will be able to pick up on future trends if you keep your eyes peeled for unique ideas. Don`t sign up for too many extra activities or you will have trouble fulfilling your obligations. Don`t let your health suffer because of abuse. Talk to an older, established individual about your present situation. Enjoy every day to the fullest, there has never been a better chance of you cashing in on a sweepstakes. This is the month that you`ll move ahead.
LEO - 7/23-8/21 You will benefit by giving a newcomer the benefit of the doubt. Doing favors for people will put them in your debt. You`ll find new friendships in your neighborhood. Joining an athletic club or a social group will help you find stimulating companionship. Your plans could change at the last minute. Do not despair, unexpected social success comes when you meet new people. Instead of harboring worries about your health , do something to improve it.
VIRGO - 8/22-9/23 You`re getting paranoid about something that has nothing to do with what`s actually going on. Rumors and assumptions have a way of contorting what you are thinking. There are more times when problems in the financial arenas, distort your perceptions enough to make everything look as the glass is half empty . It might be time to look at how everything you imagined comes true and begin to realize that it would be just as easy to imagine something that is colored by fear .
LIBRA - 9/24-10/23 Desire wears more masks more than an entire carnival parade. You run into yours and your both incognito. What you are hiding from, the future is indifferent, but not really worse than right now. Gird up your lions, buckle your seat belt, and batten down your hatches. You`ve seen it all or so you used to think. You know everyone worth knowing, but you`ve met a lot of interesting people just lately. Put a shield on your heart and keep your eyes wide open .
SCORPIO - 10/24-11/22 You feel a stronger connection that usual with a loved one this month, but unfortunately, this person doesn`t seem to notice and may even seem to avoid you . It could be that you would need to carve special times out from your schedule to spend special time with that person, when it is most convenient for him or her. Work hands you a similar situation when an associate requests you to complete a project on someone else`s terms. Be positive, everything will work out in your favor.
SAGITTARIUS - 11/21-12/22 Exposure to several new hobbies and activities this month will leave you attracted to something you want to explore further. Use your commute or time spent eating a meal to think of activities you do each week that could stand to be cut from your schedule. A loved one feels rejected as a result of a work event. You could also use the chance to let loose after a taxing week at work. This month should be all about you .
CAPRICORN - 12/23-1/20 Now that your financial woes are under control, why not take that special someone out for a night on the town. This month shows nothing but positive energy with love and it would be a shame not to take advantage of this alignment. The desire to escape boring or limiting circumstances can become so powerful that anything seems preferable than to spending another day stuck in the dead zone. Avoid family confrontations. Calm and relaxing weekends are ahead.
Copy right 2013-2014 Jill Dahne
www.jilldahne.com 954-964-3541
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Mercury Retrograde
Some of you are feeling it Mercury Retrograde is here again It is from Feb 6-28 But as I been telling the world since I was 15 you always count 2 weeks before & 2 weeks after This is the time your Intuition should be stronger If you are about to sign a contract I would review it at this time But wait until Mercury goes direct to make your final decision It's about communication so try at this time to think first before you say something you will regret later on Stay focused and Positive xoxo Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxo