" Let go of I can't Replace it with I can " Please be safe cut down trees Severe Storms Floods &Rain as Predicted heading the East & West Coast" xoxoJust Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxo

" One may say and feel like a Deja vu moment when you meet a person that you never met But you have in another life time Some come back in this life time If you lost a love one and a family member gives birth again It also happens with your loving Animals You may see the same characteristics as the love one who is a Beautiful Angel always watching right besides... you There eyes are the same They like the same of Everything Even sports Some even mention Remember this situation and they were not even born yet Cherish Hold on to Remember Your Love ones never leave us they are your Angels Always xoxo Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne
" Everything always happens in Divine Timing Send out your Amazing Ideas out into the Universe Never lose Faith Then watch & see how your Passions come into fusion"xoxo Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne