Jill Dahne's Affirmation for you " I will never regret anything i in life Because I am still learning from every life lesson that comes my way It just makes me stronger & Wiser I have to stay focused and Positive Knowing that many doors will open real wide for me " xoxo Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill dahne xox

Thanks Jill Im Engaged !!! You predicted everything about him Plus both his names We both couldn't be any happier together Breath taking Love xo Barbara
Jill Dahne's Affirmation for you " Today I am taking time out only for me Knowing that it's ok " xoxo Just Because I Love You xoo Jill Dahne xoxox
Jill Dahne's Night Affirmation for you " I trust and Believe in The Higher power & Myself " May your Dreams be only Amazing as you are xoxo Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxo
Release the tension & stress by meditating 5 minutes a day or working out You need a clear mind No person or work is worth your health There is always replacements for everything in life Just Breathe Just Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxox