Real Love unlocks all the doors Not close them" Remember 2 weeks more of the retrograde it is still sizzling down Bite your tongue so there will be no regrets later on xoxo JustBecause I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxoxo
I was asked today in a interview what are signs to look for if a man or woman is acting in a no good manor when it comes to Relationships I hope this never happens with any of you Jill Dahne's Words of Advise Use your intuition and always look for the signs 1- If out of the blue they changed they hair style 2- They start wearing different under garments 3- Staying out later then usual 4- Has a password on there phone 5 - Acting distance from you 6 -No passion When there was 7- Up late on the computer or the phone These are just a few to look out for Please send Healing prayers for Jack Nicholson Im feeling he is going to need them xoxoJust Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne xoxo
" One may want to isolate you from the world when being in a Relationship Jill Dahne's Words of Advice Friends & Family will always be there Never push them away They will always be your Support team Your Rock Remember some relationships they may not last " xoxoJust Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne oxoxox
" When it comes to successful Relationships You give one another there space But Jill Dahne's Advice Not to much space " xoxoJust Because I Love You xoxoJill Dahne
" One may want to isolate you from the world when being in a Relationship Jill Dahne's Words of Advice Friends & Family will always be there Never push them away They will always be your Support team Your Rock Remember some relationships they may not last " xoxoJust Because I Love You xoxo Jill Dahne oxoxox