Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jill Dahne - 2009 Techno Predictions

1. HDTV will do wonders for the world of technology in 2009. It will bring clarity into the home across America with a new vision that will bring us into the future. It is only the beginning and there will be major breakthroughs that will stem from HDTV.

2. Telephones - more and more people will be relying on the mobile phones for more than their household needs (ie: using them as cameras, video cams, TV's and more). Landlines will slowly be decreasing, as cell phones are on the rise. Unfortunately more solicitation calls will be streaming through. It will take time to get this part of the cell phone era cleared up. Video Camera's will be slowly disappearing as I-Phone's increase.

3. Computers - Use caution - more viruses are being released in 2009. They are going to be hidden in what seems like legit emails - I caution everyone not to open emails unless they know the sender. Especially if there are attachments. There will be many dangerous virus' in 2009 - beware. Use caution if Obama is in the subject line. Mac/Apple will be lowering their costs and become more competitive to Microsoft. Sales will go up for Apple for 2009.